(217) 357-3141
What's included: Access to COUNTRY Financial Insurance and financial products. Statewide savings and discounts. Local savings and discounts. Check out the local discounts page for all the great deals!
What's included: Voting privileges to elect Hancock County Farm Bureau Board of Directors. Eligibility to receive West-Central FS patronage. Access to COUNTRY Financial insurance and financial products Nation AND Statewide savings and discounts. Local savings and discounts. Check out the local discount page for all the great deals! Access to farm news and resources weekly newspaper FarmWeek, valued at $100.
What's included: Eligibility to receive West-Central FS patronage. Access to COUNTRY Financial insurance and financial products Nation AND Statewide savings and discounts. Local savings and discounts. Check out the local discount page for all the great deals! Access to farm news and resources weekly newspaper FarmWeek, valued at $100 Professional Networking opportunities.